Monday, April 26, 2010

dreams, dreams, dreams

I dreamt of a dream I've had before.

They say what you dream of tell you alot about yourself.

I was playing twinkle twinkle on a horn (some teacher said I had good embouchure, haha) in some music school for 5 minutes at the side of a bus stop because I missed the bus to school (because I HAD to buy some really fresh fruits at some stall near the bus stop). After playing the horn for 5 minutes, I realised I still had time if I took the taxi but it started raining and I couldn't get out of the place. So I freaked out and decided to think about how to get an MC only later. Then I went back to the fruit stall, bought more fruits and the dream ended.

I kind of remind myself of Alice in wonderland... anyway its my 2nd time having this dream, just SLIGHTLY altered this time. Is it to remind me that I'm getting off track and need to focus or else my life would be screwed again? Sounds cheesy so I'll stop here.

The next part of the dream saw myself changing many sets of clothes for the SAM trip later on. Strangely enough, its the third or fourth time a particular (non-exsistent) pair of jeans has shown up in my dream. It was "given to me by an an uncle when we went shopping", and a dress and skirt also appeared for the 2nd time. I NEVER had those clothes...

In the dream, I was having a hard time deciding cause everything gave a different feel. I ended up taking pictures of some cool effects. I'm so indecisive and distracted like that, how true...

I dreamt of a few people in my life too, but I can't remember what they did in my dream. I clearly remember what they did in other dreams, but not this one. They're mostly my friends. Not like I'd write down all of them here anyway.

I don't know why there are always a few destinations I dream of. There used to be this dark room with flight of stairs leading to a flat ground (of short distance) and another flight of stairs leading me back to the floor. I viewed it from eye level and my brother's primary school friend was running up and down once.

I was running up and down that weird structure in another dream.

I still feel quite annoyed. and I was insane enough to tell Sarah how I felt last night at 3 am. Of all people! Grrr.

Couldn't sleep well last night and I can't believe my first time having insomnia at night is due to such a stupid reason!

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